Although much of ISS's research is qualitative, the program develops and posts datasets it uses in case selection or evaluation. Currently posted:
Dataset on Reform Initiatives in Fragile States
This dataset records whether a country announced each of several types of reform in each year for five years before a recorded turnaround. The dataset is limited to, fragile states, those low-income countries with institutional performance below a specified cutoff point in the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) bureaucratic quality index. It also contains information about income levels, violence, and quality of governance. The program coded Economist Intelligence Unit quarterly reports and Freedom House reports for each country indicated.
The program uses this dataset as a first step in case selection. It helps us identify where a reformer may have come to office. In some instances we find that implementation either did not proceed or met obstacles that caused the effort to cease after a short period. Therefore, researchers should not use the dataset either as a comprehensive account of reforms discussed in a country in a given year or as a guide to measures actually put in place.
The dataset is timeseries in excel format with variable names in the first row. A short note with documentation appears below.
Camilla Liou, Sarah Bush, Lisa Canmer, Kristen Harkness, Elizabeth Gummerson, and Kwesi Adarkwa helped to assemble this dataset.