timing of reform

Babatunde Fashola

Ref Batch
Ref Batch Number
Country of Reform
Graeme Blair
Babatunde Fashola
Interviewee's Position
Interviewee's Organization
State of Lagos, Nigeria
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Babatunde Fashola describes an overhaul of the tax collection system in Lagos that successfully increased revenue for the state and indirectly financed various other reforms.  He secured public support for the overhaul after revealing the corruption in the previous tax agency through an orchestrated, public sting operation, which revealed that corrupt officials sold fraudulent tax documents on the street. He replaced the old tax agency with a smaller internal revenue service staffed by no-contract employees governed by performance incentives rather than state civil-service workers. The new service better enforced existing tax requirements and expanded the taxpayer base by introducing a simplified, single-page tax form for informal businesses.  

Case Study:  Remaking a Neglected Megacity: A Civic Transformation in Lagos State, 1999-2012


At the time of this interview, Babatunde Fashola was the governor of the Nigerian state of Lagos.  He previously served on the Lagos State Executive Council, State Security Council, Treasury Board, and as chief of staff for the former governor of Lagos.  He received a law degree from the University of Benin, after which he worked at a private Nigerian law firm for more than decade, dealing with mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and commercial law.

Full Audio File Size
72 MB
Full Audio Title
Babatunde Fashola - Full Interview

Humphrey Assisi Asobie

Ref Batch
Ref Batch Number
Country of Reform
Tumi Magketla
Humphrey Assisi Asobie
Interviewee's Position
Interviewee's Organization
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile
In this interview, Professor Humphrey Assisi Asobie recounts his experiences working for the Nigerian Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to increase transparency within the Nigerian government and its service industries through the increased involvement of civil society organizations. He goes into detail about the challenges he initially faced in his role, including recruitment issues, maintaining a strong moral compass, increasing capacity to undertake the work, countering the culture of secrecy amongst the bureaucracy, and finances. Asobie provides step-by-step guides as to how he tried to address these issues, and how he ensured the ideas were favorably received. He also talks about his efforts to build support for the reform initiatives to help move the reform process along, and the role of NGOs, civil society, and the public. He addresses questions regarding the purpose of transparency initiatives, and how to engage civil society not only in the initiatives, but also in using the information provided. He also emphasizes the need to conduct reform efforts against corruption from the ground up in order to establish a base from which to attack those higher up the ladder. Throughout the interview Asobie is candid about what strategies worked, what strategies did not work, and the lessons learned from the process.

 At the time of this interview, Professor Humphrey Assisi Asobie was head of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) for Nigeria. He has been involved in the program since 2004 as the head of Transparency in Nigeria, representing civil society at EITI. Prior to his role at EITI, he was President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities in Nigeria as well as Vice President and subsequently President of Transparency Nigeria. Upon his appointment as Chairman of EITI in Nigeria in 2008, he stopped being a representative of civil society and began representing Nigeria. 

Full Audio File Size
113 MB
Full Audio Title
Humphrey Asobie - Full Interview