
Guillermo Guevara

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Country of Reform
Matthew Devlin
Guillermo Guevara
Interviewee's Position
Coordinator for Infrastructure
Interviewee's Organization
Plan de Consolidación Integral de la Macarena
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile
Guillermo Guevara discusses Colombia’s development efforts in the Macarena region. The program aims to improve infrastructure by developing roads, power generation projects, sanitation services, and communications infrastructure for mobile phones, radio and television. The project depends on funding from the government, the military and international organizations. The program incorporates relevant input from local communities in developing its goals, and support from the private sector to ensure local job creation and local participation in development projects. Guevara also discusses obstacles to development, including a sometimes precarious security situation, budgetary constraints, and lack of cooperation from regional governments.
At the time of the interview, Guillermo Guevara was coordinator for infrastructure for the Plan de Consolidación Integral de la Macarena (Plan for the Integrated Consolidation of the Macarena), a position that he had held since May 2008.  Prior to that, he spent about 10 years supervising construction and civil works, especially in remote areas of Colombia.  He also worked at the American embassy in Colombia.
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Guillermo Guevara Interview

Juan Carlos Vargas Morales

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Country of Reform
Matthew Devlin
Juan Carlos Vargas Morales
Interviewee's Position
Civilian Coordinator
Interviewee's Organization
Regional Center of the Centro de Coordinación de Acción Integral (CCAI)
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Vargas characterizes the Centro de Coordinación de Acción Integral (CCAI, Comprehensive Action Coordination Center) as a coordinating agent established under the Colombian Presidency that connects local demands with national supply. Focusing on the Montes de María region, Vargas traces a process of i) identifying Montes de María as a strategic transit point near the Venezuelan border and the Caribbean sea that merits institutional attention, ii) assessing local priorities incorporating input from local authorities and producers (including the chamber of commerce, avocado and cacao growers), iii) relaying that assessment to the national level for strategic action, and iv) facilitating state interventions in the region. CCAI activities pertaining to two main issue areas: road infrastructure and land ownership.  Vargas singles out the Transversal de los Montes de María, a major road across the region that is under construction by army engineers, but some work is done on secondary roads by private contractors.  He notes that in the face of limited resources, the CCAI chose to maximize impact by focusing on highly productive and densely populated areas and by delivering durable (but more expensive) road infrastructure, which led to a tradeoff between number of projects and quality of output.  To put CCAI land ownership work in context, Vargas points out that the issue is complicated by internal displacement and land transactions during the conflict, by the return of the displaced in the post-conflict era, by a culture of informality and by limited state capacity. To address this range of situations, the CCAI has adopted three approaches: First, to coordinate investigation of land purchases during the conflict, exploring the possibility of transactions under duress. Second, to normalize land ownership through various programs focused on restitution. Third, to promote socially-responsible industrialization by providing platforms for dialogue between small landowners and new private developers.  Vargas also shortly elaborates on a pilot program aimed at victims from small towns, on funding sources, on channels of cooperation with regional authorities and on recent structural changes within the CCAI.  He underscores that the Center does not pursue a policy of return for the internally displaced, but instead responds to the observable phenomenon that they are returning on their own. He also assimilates the problem of continuity across political administrations with the need to phase out CCAI activities as local capacity is strengthened. He closes by zeroing in on two keys for success: honesty about what can and cannot be done when dealing with the local community, and the fostering of trust, which may require an intervention as inexpensive but valuable as installing a water pump.


Juan Carlos Vargas Morales was involved with the Centro de Coordinación de Acción Integral (CCAI) from the start, serving as the delegate from the Ministry of the Interior and Law to the Center for nine years. He later worked on National Consolidation issues in the Montes de María Region on behalf of the Agencia Presidencial para la Acción Social y la Cooperación Internacional (Presidential Agency for Social Action and International Cooperation).

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Juan Carlos Vargas Morales Interview

Reclaiming an Egyptian Treasure: Restoring Infrastructure and Services, Alexandria, 1997-2006

Rushda Majeed
Focus Area(s)
Country of Reform

When Mohamed Abdel Salam El-Mahgoub became governor of Alexandria in 1997, he took charge of a storied Egyptian city on the verge of collapse. Garbage and trash lined streets that were clogged with traffic. Roads, highways, water and sanitation systems required urgent repair. Corrupt municipal employees exacted costly bribes for business licenses and building permits. The city’s economy had slowed, as investors, put off by the city’s fading infrastructure and poor services, took their money elsewhere. Alexandria’s fortunes began to turn at the beginning of a nine-year period that came to be called “the Mahgoub era.” Determined to restore the city’s greatness, Mahgoub encouraged citizen participation, formed alliances with key groups, and won public support via high-visibility projects.  He made government more business-friendly by tackling corruption that inflated the price of required documents, and he lured back investors with tax incentives and improved infrastructure. During his nine years in office, Mahgoub saw Alexandria’s economy bloom, fueled by construction projects and an improved business climate. Although some reforms lost momentum when Mahgoub was promoted to a cabinet position in 2006, his accomplishments as governor underscored the value of citizen participation in Egypt’s centralized government.

Rushda Majeed drafted this case on the basis of interviews conducted in Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt, in October and November 2010. Sarah El-Kazaz contributed. Case published April 2012.
Associated Interview(s):  Mohamed Hanno, Mahmoud Mohieldin