pay delivery

Lisa Cleary

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Country of Reform
David Hausman
Lisa Cleary
Interviewee's Position
Human Resource Adviser
Interviewee's Organization
Public Service Improvement Program, Solomon Islands
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Lisa Cleary talks about the role of the Public Service Improvement Program and her role as human resource adviser to develop a human resource strategy for the Solomon Islands.  First, she conducted a human resource survey across every ministry in order to develop a baseline for future work the PSIP would do to put a new payroll system in place.  Then she mapped workforce budgeting to prepare a strategic plan to change the way people are recruited and hired in the workforce and to develop a collective bargaining agreement.  She talks about problems such as patronage appointments, the length of time between recruitment and processing an appointment, the inequities in salary structure, the problems in service delivery and the problem of accelerated promotions.  She also talks about devising an administrative procedure toolkit for civil service positions as a way to achieve change in the processes to make them transparent and fair.

Case Study:  Starting from Scratch in Recruitment and Training: Solomon Islands, 2004-2009


At the time of this interview, Lisa Cleary was the human resource adviser for the Public Service Improvement Program in the Solomon Islands . She served previously as human resource adviser for the correctional service in the Solomon Islands. Before that, she worked with human resources in the correctional service in Queensland, Australia.

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Lisa Cleary Interview

Priscus Kiwango

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Country of Reform
Andrew Schalkwyk
Priscus Kiwango
Interviewee's Position
Acting Director of Information Management Systems
Interviewee's Organization
Office of the President, Tanzania
Nationality of Interviewee
Dar es Salaam
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Priscus Kiwango describes the challenges, successes and lessons learned from computerizing human resource management systems for the government of Tanzania.  He argues that it is essential to directly involve all the stakeholders, including ministries and other government agencies, in deciding what information is essential.  He says that the main challenge is to manage the vendor who designs and installs the software and to ensure that the vendor is held to clear milestones and standards of performance.  He stresses that vendors should provide on-site technical support and train government personnel to operate and maintain the system.  He describes the steps taken to computerize payrolls in Tanzania and then to computerize human resource management to meet the needs of ministries.  He then outlines the longer-term goals for e-government and government management information systems in Tanzania.    

Case Study:  Creating an Affordable Public Service: Tanzania, 1995-1998


At the time of this interview, Priscus Kiwango was acting director of management information systems in the Office of the President of Tanzania.  He earned a master's degree from Lancaster University’s Management School.  Prior to joining the government, he worked in the private sector.

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59 MB
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Priscus Kiwango - Full Interview

Howard Tytherleigh

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Focus Area(s)
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Country of Reform
Summer Lopez
Howard Tytherleigh
Interviewee's Position
IT Consultant, Civil Service Verification Project
Interviewee's Organization
Public Service Reform Unit in Sierra Leone
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Howard Tytherleigh describes his role in public sector reform efforts in Sierra Leone.  Sponsored by the U.K. Department for International Development, Tytherleigh’s team began a payroll-verification project that involved interviewing all members of the Sierra Leonean civil service.  The aim was to correct the payment anomalies, inefficiencies and abuses that were wasting the government's money. The reform was hugely successful, in large part because of strong communication efforts, effective project management, executive involvement through presidential decree, and stakeholder support.  Tytherleigh emphasizes the importance of stakeholder involvement, technical capability and physical preparedness for the success of the reform effort.     


At the time of this interview, Howard Tytherleigh was an information-technology consultant for the Civil Service Verification Project of the Public Service Reform Unit in Sierra Leone.  He came to Sierra Leone from England in 2008 through a volunteer position with VSO (Volunteer Service Overseas).  His first project in Sierra Leone was with the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development and was designed to help develop its communications and IT sectors.  In England, Tytherleigh worked as a contract technical manager. 

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37 MB
Full Audio Title
Howard Tytherleigh - Full Interview