
Sergio Fajardo Valderrama

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Country of Reform
Matthew Devlin
Sergio Fajardo Valderrama
Interviewee's Position
Mayor, 2004-2007
Interviewee's Organization
Medellín, Colombia
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Sergio Fajardo discusses the role of transparency and planning in the transformation of Medellín, Colombia. Elected as an independent, he began his tenure without previous negotiation with political elites, which allowed him to escape the tradition of patronage and clientelism. Fajardo’s approach was based on sequential planning and strategic implementation of a number of projects that focused on education, cultural reform and social inclusion. Although he increased land taxation and dedicated the first year of his tenure to planning rather than action, Fajardo credits effective communication strategies and transparent linkage of public finances with development work for the successful management of popular pressure. Under the motto “Let’s Work Together,” he established partnerships with the national government, Medellín city councilmen, relevant groups like the teachers’ union, and the affected neighborhoods, or comunas.  Fajardo attributes another major achievement of his administration, the improvement of the security situation in Medellín, to working relationships at these different levels.  He describes how he capitalized on national negotiations by providing for the reintegration of demobilized paramilitaries. At the local level, his long-term strategy to stave off violence focused on providing alternatives to illicit work by allocating resources to the most disadvantaged areas, reclaiming public spaces from the grip of insecurity, and fostering dialogue to create a sense of collective ownership. 

Case Study: From Fear to Hope in Colombia: Sergio Fajardo and Medellín, 2004-2007

Trained as a mathematician, Sergio Fajardo Valderrama worked in academia at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá. Campaigning as an independent, he won election as mayor of Medellín and served in that office from 2004 to 2007. His tenure was characterized by a number of ambitious public works projects that garnered international recognition. After this term ended, Fajardo worked as a political commentator for several Colombian news outlets and joined Antanas Mockus’ 2010 presidential campaign as the vice presidential candidate.
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Sergio Fajardo Interview

From Fear to Hope in Colombia: Sergio Fajardo and Medellín, 2004-2007 (Disponible en español)

Matthew Devlin, Sebastian Chaskel
Country of Reform

Inaugurated as mayor of Medellín at the beginning of 2004, Sergio Fajardo inherited a city roiled by decades of violence and corruption. During his four years in office, the charismatic former university professor turned Medellín around. He broke up clientelistic political networks, raised tax receipts, improved public services, introduced transparency fairs, established civic pacts, and restored citizens’ sense of hope. Fajardo left office at the end of 2007 with an unprecedented approval rating of nearly 90%. Though Medellín still faced significant challenges, the city was later identified as an exemplary case of good public administration by cities across Latin America and the Inter-American Development Bank. By 2010, Fajardo had been named the vice-presidential running mate of former Bogotá mayor Antanas Mockus in that year’s presidential elections. 

Matthew Devlin and Sebastian Chaskel drafted this case study on the basis of interviews conducted in Colombia during October and November of 2009. Case published December 2010.  

Del Miedo a la Esperanza en Colombia: Sergio Fajardo y Medellín, 2004 - 2007

SINOPSIS:  Al asumir como alcalde de Medellín a comienzos del año 2004, Sergio Fajardo heredó una ciudad agobiada por décadas de violencia y corrupción. Durante los cuatro años de su mandato, este carismático antiguo profesor universitario cambió el rumbo de la ciudad de Medellín. Él desbarató las redes de clientelismo político, aumentó la recaudación de impuestos, mejoró los servicios públicos, introdujo ferias de transparencia, estableció pactos cívicos y restauró la esperanza de la ciudadanía. Fajardo concluyó su mandato a finales de 2007 con un margen de aprobación sin precedentes, cercano al 90%. Aunque Medellín aún debería enfrentar desafíos significativos, la ciudad fue reconocida como un caso ejemplar de buena administración pública tanto por ciudades a través de Latinoamérica como por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Para mediados del año 2010, Fajardo había sido nombrado como compañero de fórmula del antiguo alcalde de Bogotá, Antanas Mockus, para las elecciones presidenciales de aquel año.

Matthew Devlin y Sebastian Chaskel redactaron este estudio de caso basado en entrevistas que se llevaron a cabo en Colombia en octubre y noviembre de 2009. El caso fue publicado en diciembre de 2010.

Associated Interview(s):  David Escobar, Sergio Fajardo Valderrama