inter-agency coordination

Fact Checkers Unite to Set the Record Straight: The Redcheq Alliance and Information Integrity in Colombia’s Regional Elections, 2019

Alexis Bernigaud
Focus Area(s)
Country of Reform

During Colombia’s 2016 peace agreement referendum and its 2018 election, misinformation and disinformation circulated widely. As the country’s 2019 elections approached, Dora Montero, president of Consejo de Redacción (Editorial Board)—an association that promoted investigative journalism and operated an online fact-checking program called ColombiaCheck—realized it was especially difficult to correct factual errors at the regional and local levels, and she was determined to do something about that problem. Montero and her group assembled a network of journalists who detected and countered false claims during the 2018 campaign. Montero’s team organized workshops on fact checking for local journalists; forged alliances with local and national radio, TV, and print media; and collaborated with universities and civic leaders to produce and distribute articles that presented the facts. During the 2019 campaign, the alliance, named RedCheq, produced 141 articles that clarified and corrected political statements, social media posts, photos, and videos. This case focuses on the challenges associated with improving the integrity of election-related information at the subnational level. This case is part of a series on combatting false information, including both misinformation (unintentional), disinformation (intentional), and fake news, one form of disinformation

Alexis Bernigaud drafted this case study based on interviews conducted with journalists and civic leaders in Colombia from January through May 2023. Case published July 2023.

Faster Together: A One-Stop Shop for Business Registration in Senegal, 2006–2015

Maya Gainer, Stefanie Chan, and Laura Skoet
Country of Reform

In 2007, Senegal opened a Business Creation Support Office that vastly reduced the time required to register a business from two months to 48 hours. Before the creation of the office, foreign investors as well as local entrepreneurs had to deal with six different government agencies, each of which had its own requirements and procedures. The onerous undertaking discouraged business investment, kept significant revenue sources off government tax rolls, and created fertile ground for corruption. In 2006, President Abdoulaye Wade decided to change the situation. Wade assigned the Agency for Investment Promotion and Major Works, or APIX, the task of making it possible to register a business in just two days. A small team from the agency examined the options and decided that a one-stop shop would best meet Senegal’s needs. The model required no legislative changes, and it allowed agencies to retain control over their procedures—while reducing red tape and letting APIX supervise the entire process. APIX leaders worked hard to win the cooperation of institutions and individual agents, and the Business Creation Support Office opened in downtown Dakar in November 2007. The institutions involved in registration sent representatives to work in the office, and APIX staff collected applications, supervised the office, and coordinated gradual improvements in procedures. After the office opened, entrepreneurs could complete the registration process at a single location and be done within 48 hours. By 2016, the office had further reduced the time required to a single day.

Maya Gainer, ISS Research Specialist, and Stefanie Chan and Laura Skoet of Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs drafted this case study based on interviews conducted in Dakar, Senegal, and Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, in January 2016. This case study was funded by the French Development Agency. Case published ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­May 2016.

Una Klapkalne

Ref Batch
Focus Area(s)
Ref Batch Number
Critical Tasks
Country of Reform
Yoni Friedman
Una Klapkalne
Interviewee's Position
Chief Executive Officer
Interviewee's Organization
National News Agency
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Una Klapkalne describes the policy formation system and strategic planning implemented during her time at the State Chancellery. She describes the development of a policy formation system based on the production of specific documents. To implement this new system, her team at the Policy Coordination Department trained the ministries and reviewed their documents, as she details in this interview. She describes how the ministries increased the quality of their policy planning documents as they adapted to the new system. She also details how the department persuaded the ministries to support their changes. The team incorporated a new annotation system in to the policy formation process, which she says was to help administrators understand the cost each policy. In addition to explaining the policy formation system, Klapkalne discusses the process of ex-ante impact assessments and ex-post evaluations and the strategic planning system the team put in place. The team also increased cross-sectoral coordination, which she explains happened through the department’s mediation and by doing some harmonization at a lower level instead of the ministerial level. Klapkalne discusses how this change reduced the workload and meeting time for the cabinet officials.     

Case Study: Moving Beyond Central Planning: Crafting a Modern Policy Management System, Latvia, 2000-2006


Una Klapkalne was the Chief Executive Officer of the National News Agency, a position she had held since 2006. Until that point, she had been the head of the Policy Coordination Department at the State Chancellery. She joined the department in 2000. She started working in the administration immediately upon graduating, working her way up from an economic consultant to the deputy director of the state Civil Service Administration. From there she moved to the Ministry of Defense, where she served as the deputy state secretary. When the state secretary left for a year, she became the acting state secretary. She served as an advisor to the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior before joining the Policy Coordination Department.  She holds a Master of Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and a Bachelor’s of the Arts in Economics from the University of Latvia. Additionally, she has earned certificates from the National Administration School of France in Management Effectiveness and from the Adam Smith Institute.   

Full Audio File Size
68 MB
Full Audio Title
Una Klapkalne - Full Interview