independent investigators

Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas

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Country of Reform
Gabriel Kuris
Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas
Interviewee's Position
Interviewee's Organization
Indonesia'’s Corruption Eradication Commission
Date of Interview
Reform Profile
Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas describes his time as one of the first commissioners of Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Perberantasan Korupsi, KPK). He explains the human resource management system the commissioners set up and how they brought together their diverse staff. He points to the implementation of standard operating procedures as one tool they used to create a trustworthy, well-functioning staff during the commission’s rapid growth. From his experience with the KPK, he draws the lessons that a successful anti-corruption commission requires independent investigators, carefully recruited judges (in the anti-corruption court) and a solid internal affairs system. The commissioners worked on preventing corruption as well as repressing it, though convincing the public and media of the importance of prevention was a challenge. Hardjapamekas describes the commission’s relationship with the private sector as a dialogue, with each group learning from the other. From his own time in the private sector, he brought management expertise to the commission.

Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas served as a commissioner on Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from 2003-2007. He was President Commissioner of BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia, Indonesian State Bank), while also serving on other national and private sector commissions and as Chairman of the Advisory Board/Founding Committee of the University of Indonesia Center for the Study of Governance in cooperation with Hills Governance Center, CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) Washington. Before his time on the KPK, Hardjapamekas had an extensive career in state-owned enterprises. He held a number of positions just prior to joining the KPK: chief commissioner to PT Agrakom (January 2000-December 2003), commissioner and committee chair of auditing PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol (March 2001-December 2003), advisor and member of the audit committee for PT Unilever Indonesia (2001-2003), advisor to the commissioner (from 2001) and independent commissioner for PT Semen Cibinong (April 2002-December 2003), auditing committee member (January 2002-December 2003) and independent commissioner to PT Kabelindo Murni (June 2002-December 2003), head of the auditing committee and independent commissioner to PT Hero Supermarket (September 2002-December 2003) and independent commissioner to PT Kaltim Prima Coal (March-October 2003). He had previously served as the finance director and executive director and of PT Timah (a state-owned tin mining company), the director of PT Tamban Batubara Bukit Asam (a state-owned coal mining company), and the head of accountancy for Perum Perumnas (a state-owned housing company).  In addition, Erry also held the position of commissioner (1996-1998) and chief commissioner for the Jakarta Stock Exchange (1998-2001). He holds a Bachelor’s of Economics from Padjadjaran University, Bandung. 

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41 MB
Full Audio Title
Erry Hardjapamekas - Full Interview