establishment control

Veekie Wilson, Virginia Lighe, Sudacious Varney & Jessica Bimba

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Leon Schreiber & Blay Kenyah
Veekie Wilson, Virginia Lighe, Sudacious Varney & Jessica Bimba
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

In this interview Jessica Bimba, Virginia Lighe, Sudacious Varney, and Veekie Wilson explain the process used to remove ghost workers from Liberia's teacher payroll, review qualifications, and test functional literacy in English and math. This exercise began in 2015 with a pilot project and concluded in 2017. The interview briefly discusses the creation of a project implementation unit and then outlines the steps taken to explain the process, identify "ghosts," check qualifications, administer the test, and issue a biometric id. The participants explain the rationale behind several important decisions. They also talk about some of the challenges they faced and how they addressed them. 

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Gbovadeh Gbilia

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Leon Schreiber & Blaykyi Kenyah
Gbovadeh Gbilia
Interviewee's Position
Deputy Minister for Planning, Research and Development
Interviewee's Organization
Ministry of Education, The Republic of Liberia
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

In this interview, Gbovadeh Gbilia discusses his work on reforming Liberia’s teaching service and expunging ghosts from its payroll. He begins by examining his time as a senior technical advisor at the Civil Service Agency, what he learned there and how he was able to bring lessons from reforms he assisted there to his new role in the Ministry of Education. He goes on to outline the framework of the reform process, with emphasis on how to secure buy-in from governmental stakeholders, reform participants and donors. Throughout the interview, he discusses how his team secured the wins that made the reform relatively successful, and how they overcame the challenges such bold reforms are bound to face.




At the time of this interview, Gbovadeh Gbilia had served for nine months as Deputy Minister for Planning, Research & Development in the Ministry of Education under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. He led the team that carried out the Teacher Testing and Vetting Program which eliminated more than 1,500 “ghost workers” from the teacher payroll, saving the government a substantial amount of money. Before assuming this position, he was an Assistant Minister for Fiscal Affairs and Human Resource Development at the same ministry, from 2015 to his promotion. He also worked as a senior technical advisor to the director-general of the Liberian Civil Service Agency from 2013 to 2015. Gbilia earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from California State University and a master’s in international business from the Howard University School of Business in Washington, DC.

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Gbilia Interview

Managing the Business of Education: Liberia Cleans Up Its Teacher Payroll, 2015–2017

Leon Schreiber with assistance from Blaykyi Kenyah
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Country of Reform

In late 2015, Liberia’s newly appointed education minister, George Werner, recognized that the government school system was wasting money and failing its students. Shortly before Werner assumed office, a pilot project had identified significant numbers of ghost workers (teachers who never showed up for their jobs or were fraudulently included on the payroll) as well as teachers who lacked even basic qualifications. Although the project covered just three of Liberia’s 15 counties (the most populous counties of Montserrado, Nimba, and Bong), the findings illuminated a long-standing national problem. Resolving to put an end to the abuses, Werner and senior ministry officials created a program implementation unit dedicated to the nationwide project, refined vetting procedures for assessing qualifications, and introduced mandatory competency testing that laid the foundation for additional reforms. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf provided crucial political support when the project ran into resistance from the national teachers’ association. By February 2018, the education ministry had removed 83% of the 2,046 ghost teachers, and planned to remove the remaining 17% that it identified during the last six months of the project. Overall, the project generated $2.3 million in annual savings that opened spaces for new teachers in the school system and budget, with the ministry expecting that this number would increase to $3.1 million once all ghost teachers were gone. As a result of the project, the ministry hired 1,371 trained new graduate teachers. Still, challenges remained: 49% of public school teachers had failed the competency tests. Armed with this important baseline data, the ministry had to decide what to do to improve teacher quality.

Leon Schreiber drafted this case study with assistance from Blaykyi Kenyah based on interviews conducted in Monrovia, Liberia, in August 2017. Case published February 2018.

Samuel Johnson & Mary Mulbah

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Country of Reform
Blay Kenyah
Samuel Johnson & Mary Mulbah
Interviewee's Organization
National Teachers Association of Liberia
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Mary Mulbah and Samuel Johnson were teachers’ union leaders at the time of the interview. They explain the basis of their opposition to a ghost-worker removal and teacher certification effort carried out by Liberia’s Ministry of Education in 2017, with support from Big Win Philanthropy. The stated purpose of that program was to improve the quality of education in Liberia’s schools. At the time the project started, the Ministry of Education also launched a separate experimental program with the international for-profit network of schools, Bridge Academies, to manage several model schools. The union opposed the Bridge Academies initiative, and the objections carried over to the program to remove ghost workers and require testing and re-training of teachers some teachers. This interview helps readers understand the teachers’ union view of the vetting program. This interview was edited to reduce repetition and provide clarifying information. 

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