confidential declaration of information

Ellam Tangirongo

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Country of Reform
David Hausman
Ellam Tangirongo
Interviewee's Position
Interviewee's Organization
Civil Service Commission of the Solomon Islands
Nationality of Interviewee
Solomon Islands
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Ellam Tangirongo talks about the period of civil unrest from 1999 to 2000, when the collapse of the economy in the Solomon Islands affected the ability of the civil service to function.  The Regional Assistance Mission for the Solomon Islands (RAMSI), made up of Australia, New Zealand and some of the South Pacific Islands, helped restore order and reestablished the public service.  Tangirongo describes how, as part of RAMSI, the Public Service Improvement Program (PSIP), with the help of consultants and advisers, developed a vision and mission statement for a new public service free of corruption.  Tangirongo talks about methods the PSIP used to establish a human resource program to improve practices involving recruitment, training, equipment and promotions at the national and provincial level.  He discusses the problems that result when ministers try to influence the choice of members on the Civil Service Commission and the important task of the commission in serving as a coordinating organ to involve the ministries and senior officers.


At the time of this interview, Ellam Tangirongo was chairman of the Public Service Commission of the Solomon Islands, a position he had held since 2008.  A public-service career of more than 30 years began in the provinces of the Solomons.  Later, he became deputy secretary of foreign affairs and served in the Ministry of Lands, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Women.  For eight years he served in in the Public Service Department of the prime minister’s office, including the last four years as permanent secretary.

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Ellam Tangiorngo Interview

João Geraldo Piquet Carneiro

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Deepa Iyer
João Geraldo Piquet Carneiro
Interviewee's Position
Interviewee's Organization
Brazil Public Ethics Commission, 1999-2004
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile
João Piquet Carneiro traces the origins of the Code of Conduct to the work of the Council of State Reform convened under President Fernando Cardoso.  After a first draft of the code was completed, the Public Ethics Commission was created by presidential decree with a mandate to clarify gray areas in the duties of senior officials of the executive branch.  Piquet discusses the commission’s political autonomy, its functions that notably excluded any role in coercion or discipline, and its deliberation style that favored unanimity.  He describes the Code of Conduct as a set of general rules mostly concerned with detection and prevention of conflict of interest, which he defines as any activity that may be incompatible with the attributions of public function.  The challenges of initial implementation mainly arose from the code becoming effective mid-administration, thus affecting officials who had already been appointed.  Consequently, the code was not enacted into law, due to the commission’s perception that a) moral commitments are intrinsically more effective than legal ones, b) voluntary adherence would be easier to implement than forced compliance, c) casting the code as a tool to protect officials from trouble resulting from involuntary transgression rather than as a punitive tool would decrease resistance, and d) the long-lasting impact of the code would come from internal respect garnered over time rather than policing, which would need to be perpetual.  Piquet describes successful efforts by the commission to avoid centralization and foster adoption of internal codes of conduct throughout government agencies.  He then discusses the Confidential Declaration of Information, in which public officials disclosed details of their wealth and possible conflicts of interest.  He emphasizes its evidentiary role and its contribution to the specificity of the Code of Conduct, which was continually updated through resolutions. The consistent obstacle he identifies has to do with the small budget allocated to the commission.  Nonetheless, each administration entailed new challenges.  The Cardoso administration addressed the difficulties of initial implementation, which were resolved when compliance with the Code of Conduct became a precondition for taking office.  Under President Lula da Silva, the commission's purview was partially restricted because the president often did not endorse commission recommendations. Piquet notes that lawyers are heavily represented in the current commission, which has led to a drift toward a more formalistic and legal approach to public ethics, with growing emphasis on due-process provisions. 

At the time of this interview, João Geraldo Piquet Carneiro was the chairman of the Hélio Beltrão Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to the improvement of public administration.  Piquet started his career as a lawyer.  As an economics law professor he became interested in the operation, control and efficiency of governmental bodies.  From 1979 to 1985 he served in the national program of debureaucratization, starting as legal council and eventually assuming the post of  Special Minister when the incumbent left to take another office. In the 1990s, Piquet served as an adviser to the Deregulation Committee of the Presidency convened under the Fernando Collor administration, which constantly posed ethical questions in connection to corruption related to excessive regulation.  In 1991 he returned to government to participate in the State Council on Reform created by President Fernando Cardoso.  As a result of the council’s recommendations for improvement of ethical conduct in public service, the Public Ethics Commission was created in 1999.  Piquet Carneiro served as its chairman from its inception until 2004. 

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João Piquet Carneiro Interview

Ingraining Honesty, Changing Norms: Government Ethics in Brazil, 1995-2004

Deepa Iyer
Country of Reform
During the 1990s, conflict of interest scandals in Brazil weakened public trust in civil servants and rendered many competitive processes like procurement, privatization and employment inefficient and ineffective. In 1999, President Fernando Henrique Cardoso created a Public Ethics Commission to confront these problems. Led by João Geraldo Piquet Carneiro, a Brazilian lawyer, the commission developed and implemented the Code of Conduct for Senior Government Officials. Piquet first focused on the upper echelons of the civil service— public sector managers and highly visible presidential appointees. For the first time in Brazilian politics, specific rules set public standards on conflicts of interest. Within 10 days of taking office, senior civil servants had to agree in writing to adhere to the code and submit forms detailing personal and family assets. Piquet and his team developed procedures for detecting and addressing violations. The commission avoided a backlash by walking a tightrope between being a watchdog and working with senior civil servants to help separate personal and public interests. By the end of Piquet’s tenure in 2004, the commission had set a precedent. According to interviewees, norms in the upper echelons of Brazil’s federal government had changed, and senior government officials no longer had an assumed impunity. However, critics noted that the commission’s success hinged on presidential support, as the commission lost much of its momentum under the administration of Cardoso’s successor, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Deepa Iyer drafted this case study based on interviews conducted in Brasilia and São Paulo, Brazil, in September 2010. Case published March 2011. Case revised and republished in March 2013.