
Colombia’s National Civil Registry Launches an Antidisinformation Initiative, 2018−2019

Alexis Berniguad
Focus Area(s)
Country of Reform

When a wave of online misinformation jeopardized the integrity of primary elections in Colombia, Juan Carlos Galindo, who headed the country’s National Civil Registry, decided it was time to address this emerging threat to democracy. The registry, which worked with the National Electoral Council, would soon conduct the first local elections since the country’s 2016 peace agreements, and Galindo wanted to ensure that voters had correct information about the process, including the locations and open hours of polling stations. He asked his team to find appropriate ways to respond to misinformation, mindful of low public trust, frequent strategic use of disinformation by political parties, and limited resources to target voters at the local level. Building on the experience of the registry’s Mexican counterpart, head of international partnerships Arianna Espinosa led the design and implementation of a plan to deal with the problem. The team struck deals with social media platforms, independent fact checkers, and political parties to take part in the fight against false information and used an artificial-intelligence-powered platform to detect and respond to false news about the election process during the campaign. By election day, the team had refuted a total of 21 misleading claims and published 59 verified news items and videos on social media, but the limited reach of the publications and minimal engagement with some of the key stakeholders prevented the registry from having the impact it aimed for. After the election, the new head of the registry refocused on building more-transparent processes and providing accessible information for citizens about elections while curtailing some of the initiatives Espinosa had introduced. This case is part of a series on combatting false information, including both misinformation (unintentional), disinformation (intentional), and fake news, one form of disinformation.

Alexis Bernigaud drafted this case study based on interviews conducted with officials, journalists, and civic leaders in Colombia and Spain from January through May 2023. Case published July 2023.

Sergio Fajardo Valderrama

Ref Batch
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Country of Reform
Matthew Devlin
Sergio Fajardo Valderrama
Interviewee's Position
Mayor, 2004-2007
Interviewee's Organization
Medellín, Colombia
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Sergio Fajardo discusses the role of transparency and planning in the transformation of Medellín, Colombia. Elected as an independent, he began his tenure without previous negotiation with political elites, which allowed him to escape the tradition of patronage and clientelism. Fajardo’s approach was based on sequential planning and strategic implementation of a number of projects that focused on education, cultural reform and social inclusion. Although he increased land taxation and dedicated the first year of his tenure to planning rather than action, Fajardo credits effective communication strategies and transparent linkage of public finances with development work for the successful management of popular pressure. Under the motto “Let’s Work Together,” he established partnerships with the national government, Medellín city councilmen, relevant groups like the teachers’ union, and the affected neighborhoods, or comunas.  Fajardo attributes another major achievement of his administration, the improvement of the security situation in Medellín, to working relationships at these different levels.  He describes how he capitalized on national negotiations by providing for the reintegration of demobilized paramilitaries. At the local level, his long-term strategy to stave off violence focused on providing alternatives to illicit work by allocating resources to the most disadvantaged areas, reclaiming public spaces from the grip of insecurity, and fostering dialogue to create a sense of collective ownership. 

Case Study: From Fear to Hope in Colombia: Sergio Fajardo and Medellín, 2004-2007

Trained as a mathematician, Sergio Fajardo Valderrama worked in academia at the University of Los Andes in Bogotá. Campaigning as an independent, he won election as mayor of Medellín and served in that office from 2004 to 2007. His tenure was characterized by a number of ambitious public works projects that garnered international recognition. After this term ended, Fajardo worked as a political commentator for several Colombian news outlets and joined Antanas Mockus’ 2010 presidential campaign as the vice presidential candidate.
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Sergio Fajardo Interview

Liliana Caballero

Ref Batch
Focus Area(s)
Ref Batch Number
Country of Reform
Matthew Devlin
Liliana Caballero
Interviewee's Position
Interviewee's Organization
Bogotá Mayorship under Antanas Mockus
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

Liliana Caballero describes the pillars of the Admirable Public Administration goal of Antanas Mockus' Development Plan for Bogotá.  This program for institutional strengthening sought to: 1) foster responsibility amongst civil servants; 2) guarantee a continuity of vision across mayoral administrations; 3) institutionalize shared work, coordination and teamwork; 4) enhance interaction with the citizenry, specifically through the Program of Service to the Citizen; 5) strengthen external accountability; 6) capitalize on lessons from every experience; 7) inspire respect for separation of powers; and 8) promote co-responsibility and self-regulation predicated upon awareness of rights and responsibilities both amongst public servants and the citizenry.  She then focuses on specific initiatives aimed at achieving these goals.  First, Caballero highlights the implementation of a peer nomination system for public servants who exceed expectations in the performance of their function as an effective means to promote self-awareness and excellence.  Second, she emphasizes adaptation of service delivery schemes to the realities on the ground.  In this sense, the Mockus administration promoted computerization of municipal paperwork and utility payment.  However, in response to the fact that 60% of the Bogotá population lacks access to the necessary technology, a "supermarket model" was adopted to cater to this demographic. Three tiers of CADES or Specialized District Centers of Attention were established, with the Super CADES allowing for transactions at both the local and national levels, regular CADES offering a wide range of services at the district level, and rapid CADES offering short lines and efficient customer service for rapid payment of utilities.  These centers were built strategically in neighborhoods where the target population would reside or work, and flexible schedules were set up in order to minimize travel time, inconvenience during working hours and expense.  Third, Caballero describes several strategies to identify public servants best suited for interaction with the public and to create a public service mentality focused on responsiveness to taxpayers.  A successful innovation in this area that later transcended the civil service arena was the creation of "transversal teams" that bring together people that share similar responsibilities in the areas of support for different entities, allowing for discussion of competence, identification of best practices and capacity building in the face of limited resources.

Case Study:  Conjuring and Consolidating a Turnaround: Government in Bogotá, 1992-2003


A criminal lawyer by training, Liliana Caballero has dedicated most of her career to the public sector.  She served as Antanas Mockus' secretary general at the rectory of the National University of Colombia, later joining him as secretary general of the Bogotá Mayorship and effective second-in-command during his second term in office. She was in charge of the implementation of the Development Plan goal for Admirable Public Service and has worked as a presidential consultant on administrative reform on several occasions. Caballero was the National Director of Antanas Mockus' 2010 presidential campaign with the Colombian Green Party.

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68 MB
Full Audio Title
Liliana Caballero - Full Interview

Conjuring and Consolidating a Turnaround: Governance in Bogotá, 1992-2003 (Disponible en español)

Matthew Devlin, Sebastian Chaskel
Country of Reform

A once proud city, Bogotá was on the verge of ruin by the late 1980s. Its government was corrupt and dysfunctional, and the Colombian city regularly ranked among the worst places in the world in which to live. In 1986, then-president and former Bogotá Mayor Virgilio Barco lamented that “of that booming city that I governed, today all that is left is an urbanized anarchy, tremendous chaos, immense disorder, a colossal mess.” Beginning in 1992, however, Bogotá enjoyed a string of mayors who succeeded in turning the city around. The first of these mayors, Jaime Castro (1992-1994), fought to establish the financial and political framework that would empower the mayor’s office to function as a nucleus of reform. Castro’s successor, Antanas Mockus (1995-1997 and 2001-2003), built on that legacy, consolidating gains in the face of entrenched opposition on the city council and bringing tangible benefits to the population in the form of exemplary public-service delivery. By 2002, the United Nations had selected Bogotá as a “model city” to be emulated across Latin America and by early 2010, Mockus had emerged as a front-runner in Colombia’s presidential elections.

Matthew Devlin and Sebastian Chaskel drafted this case study based on interviews conducted in Colombia during October and November 2009.

Associated Interview(s):  Jaime Castro Castro,  Liliana CaballeroMaria Isabel Patiño


SINOPSIS: La otrora ciudad imponente, hacia fines de los años '80 Bogotá se encontraba al borde de la ruina. El gobierno distrital se caracterizaba por la corrupción y el mal funcionamiento, y la capital colombiana frecuentemente se ganaba un lugar en el ranking mundial de los peores lugares para vivir. En 1986, el antiguo alcalde de la capital y por ese entonces presidente Virgilio Barco se lamentó, "De la ciudad vibrante que yo goberné, hoy sólo queda una anarquía urbana, un caos tremendo, un desorden inmenso, un desastre colosal." Sin embargo, a partir de 1992 Bogotá tuvo la suerte de tener una serie de alcaldes que consiguieron pasar la página en la historia de la ciudad. El primero de aquellos alcaldes, Jaime Castro (1992-94), luchó para establecer la infraestructura financiera y política que le otorgaría a la Alcaldía el poder para funcionar como un núcleo de reforma. El sucesor de Castro, Antanas Mockus (1995-97 y 2001-03), siguió construyendo sobre los cimientos legados por su predecesor, y así consolidó victorias a pesar de la oposición profundamente arraigada del Concejo de la Ciudad, trayendo beneficios tangibles para la población en la forma de mejoras en la prestación de servicios públicos. Al llegar el año 2002, las Naciones Unidas habían seleccionado a Bogotá como una ciudad modelo a ser emulada a través de Latinoamérica, y para comienzos del año 2010, Mockus había surgido como un candidato formidable a la presidencia colombiana. Matthew Devlin y Sebastian Chaskel redactaron este estudio practico basado en entrevistas que se llevaron a cabo en Colombia, en octubre y noviembre del 2009. El caso fue publicado en diciembre del 2010. Melina Meneguin-Layerenza tradujo este estudio en febrero de 2013.

Matthew Devlin y Sebastian Chaskel redactaron este estudio practico basado en entrevistas que se llevaron a cabo en Colombia, en octubre y noviembre del 2009. El caso fue publicado en diciembre del 2010. Melina Meneguin-Layerenza tradujo este estudio en febrero de 2013.

From Fear to Hope in Colombia: Sergio Fajardo and Medellín, 2004-2007 (Disponible en español)

Matthew Devlin, Sebastian Chaskel
Country of Reform

Inaugurated as mayor of Medellín at the beginning of 2004, Sergio Fajardo inherited a city roiled by decades of violence and corruption. During his four years in office, the charismatic former university professor turned Medellín around. He broke up clientelistic political networks, raised tax receipts, improved public services, introduced transparency fairs, established civic pacts, and restored citizens’ sense of hope. Fajardo left office at the end of 2007 with an unprecedented approval rating of nearly 90%. Though Medellín still faced significant challenges, the city was later identified as an exemplary case of good public administration by cities across Latin America and the Inter-American Development Bank. By 2010, Fajardo had been named the vice-presidential running mate of former Bogotá mayor Antanas Mockus in that year’s presidential elections. 

Matthew Devlin and Sebastian Chaskel drafted this case study on the basis of interviews conducted in Colombia during October and November of 2009. Case published December 2010.  

Del Miedo a la Esperanza en Colombia: Sergio Fajardo y Medellín, 2004 - 2007

SINOPSIS:  Al asumir como alcalde de Medellín a comienzos del año 2004, Sergio Fajardo heredó una ciudad agobiada por décadas de violencia y corrupción. Durante los cuatro años de su mandato, este carismático antiguo profesor universitario cambió el rumbo de la ciudad de Medellín. Él desbarató las redes de clientelismo político, aumentó la recaudación de impuestos, mejoró los servicios públicos, introdujo ferias de transparencia, estableció pactos cívicos y restauró la esperanza de la ciudadanía. Fajardo concluyó su mandato a finales de 2007 con un margen de aprobación sin precedentes, cercano al 90%. Aunque Medellín aún debería enfrentar desafíos significativos, la ciudad fue reconocida como un caso ejemplar de buena administración pública tanto por ciudades a través de Latinoamérica como por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Para mediados del año 2010, Fajardo había sido nombrado como compañero de fórmula del antiguo alcalde de Bogotá, Antanas Mockus, para las elecciones presidenciales de aquel año.

Matthew Devlin y Sebastian Chaskel redactaron este estudio de caso basado en entrevistas que se llevaron a cabo en Colombia en octubre y noviembre de 2009. El caso fue publicado en diciembre de 2010.

Associated Interview(s):  David Escobar, Sergio Fajardo Valderrama

Organizing the Return of Government to Conflict Zones, Colombia, 2004-2009

Matthew Devlin, Sebastian Chaskel
Country of Reform

In May 2004, Colombia’s Office of the Presidency established a national-level agency, the Centro de Coordinación de Acción Integral, to manage the reintroduction of state institutions into areas that had been retaken from leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries and drug traffickers. The agency set up a central Bogotá office from which it coordinated work in so-called consolidation zones around the country. In many of these areas, the government had either been absent for decades or never present. In the words of Andres Peñate, former vice minister of defense and an architect of the initiative, “Although we were all Colombians, it was almost like conquering a different country.” Despite setbacks, by late 2009 the agency had received broad-based domestic and international endorsement.

Matthew Devlin and Sebastian Chaskel drafted this case study on the basis of interviews conducted in Colombia during October and November 2009. 

Associated Interview(s):  Diego Molano