In this interview, Sigitas Šiupšinskas discusses his work in public administration, regional policy and public service with the Lithuanian government. He discusses the VORT (Improvement of Performance-Based Management – from the Lithuanian Valdymo, orientuoto j rezultatus, tobulinimas) project and the Sunset Commission (The Commission for the Improvement of State Administration). He details the methods of the reforms, the gains achieved and the challenges faced. He talks about the effects the cultural environment of the Lithuanian government had on these reforms. He also talks about the successful efficiency gains in public administration and civil service reforms, and the implementations that led to those. Šiupšinskas discusses evaluative measures, methods of prioritization, and functional reviews.
At the time of this interview, Sigitas Šiupšinskas was vice minister in the Ministry of the Interior. He began his professional career in local administration, as deputy head of a neighborhood in the Vilnius District Municipality. Šiupšinskas then worked as adviser for municipal affairs in the Office of the Government. He then moved on to become director of the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania. After this, he served as counselor the Lithuanian president on matters of public administration, regional policy and local self-government. He then moved to the Ministry of the Interior, where he first served as adviser to the minister before being appointed to his vice minister position. In the Ministry of the Interior, Šiupšinskas was responsible for public administration, regional policy and public service.