Board Member
Alexandria Business Association
Focus Area(s)
City Management
Critical Tasks
Building citizen support
Making services accessible
Rushda Majeed
Country of Reform
Date of Interview
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Mohamed Hanno describes the relationship between the Alexandria Business Association and former Governor of Alexandria, General Mohamed Abdul Salam Mahgoub in working to develop the city of Alexandria. He details how Mahgoub worked with limited investment to stimulate the real estate market, reform the waste management system, and beautify the city. Hanno explains how this was possible due to relationships with private business and civil society organizations. He also details other reforms, such as one-stop shops and other improvements in government efficiency. Hanno also briefly discusses the role of the state media in educating citizens on Mahgoub’s initiatives. Finally Hanno touches on the next steps needed for Alexandria’s development, particularly heavy investment in infrastructure.
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Mohamed Hanno Interview
At the time of this interview, Mohamed Hanno was a board member of the Alexandria Business Association in Alexandria, Egypt and a board member of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce’s Computer Division. He is the managing director and founder of Arab Computers. Hanno was a member of the Egyptian delegation to the United States Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship in April 2010. He also headed the executive committee of the Alexandria Centre for International Arbitration and was a member of the Presidential Council’s subcommittee on intellectual property rights.
revenue generation
media relations
making services accessible
building citizen support
Not specified