Kestutis Rekerta

Head of the Lithuanian Strategic Planning Commission
Focus Area(s)
Centers of Government
Critical Tasks
Strategic planning
Yoni Friedman and Gordon Evans
Country of Reform
Date of Interview
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Kestutis Rekerta talks about his position as head of the Lithuanian Strategic Planning Commission. He discusses the development of strategic planning in Lithuania from 2000 to 2006. He talks about challenges the Commission faced in establishing a good process; he touches on the problems that arose in the prioritization of strategic plans, budget appropriation, and the Commission’s relationship with various ministries as well as with Lithuania’s changing government. Rekerta discusses the influence the Canadian International Development Agency had on the establishment of the Commission, and how they were able to accommodate external models to Lithuanian customs. He also talks about the influence Lithuania’s preparation for EU membership had on various aspects of government.

Full Interview

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Kestutis Rekerta - Full Interview

Kestutis Rekerta was a policy officer for the European Commission. He joined the European Commission in 2007 after much work in the Lithuanian government. Rekerta began working as assistant to the advisor for the EU (European Union) PHARE (Pologne et Hongrie – Aide á Restructruation Economique) project on local authorities in 1993. He then moved on to work as Chief Expert for Public Service Reform, and then later as Head of the Central Management Unit in Lithuania’s Ministry of Public Administration Reforms and Local Authorities. After this position, he was appointed head of the Strategic Planning Commission, and later moved on to be director of the Strategic Planning and Public Administration Department. It was following this work in Lithuania that Rekerta joined the European Commission.

strategic planning
external model adaptation
Not specified