Legal Adviser to the Office of General Management
National Police of El Salvador
Focus Area(s)
Accountable Policing
Flor Hunt
Country of Reform
El Salvador
El Salvador
Date of Interview
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
José Humberto Posada Sánchez begins by describing his work with police legislation in El Salvador and the internal structure of the National Police of El Salvador (Policía Nacional Civil), its rank and promotion system and the initial quota system. He talks about the demilitarization of the police force and the creation and integration of the new civil police force. He also discusses crime prevention and investigation, policing and human rights, problems of funding and the role of donor countries in training with community policing. Efforts taken to reduce corruption, internal divisions and police brutality are also referenced.
Full Interview
Jose Posada Sanchez
At the time of this interview, José Humberto Posada Sánchez was the legal adviser to the Office of General Management of the National Police of El Salvador (Policía Nacional Civil). This post involved providing legal counsel, writing legislation and implementing national legislation into the internal policy of the national police. He previously served as a member of Congress, ambassador to Guatemala, member of the Central American Parliament and adviser to the vice minister of citizen security after the Sub-Department for Citizen Security was created in 2002. He also worked on the Ley Orgánica de la Polícia Nacional Civil of 2002, national legislation that sought to strengthen the police force.
U.N. policies
business improvement districts
community policing
complaint collection / whistleblowing
disciplinary system
Donor Relations
integration and amalgamation
internal management
promotion systems
rank restructuring
Reform sequencing
training curriculum
Not specified