Executive Secretary
National Media Commission, Ghana

Focus Area(s)
Ashley McCants
Country of Reform
Date of Interview
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
George Sarpong explains the role of the National Media Commission in Ghana, and the role the media plays in elections in Ghana. He goes into detail about the way media is employed by the political parties and the electoral management body, distinguishing between state-owned media and privately owned media in this process. He also explains the role of the media in educating the public in terms of voter registration and how the media has been used to reach out to marginalized populations. He explains how the media commission regulates negative campaigning, and he discusses the overall role of the commission. Finally, he describes how election monitors are used and what their goals are in monitoring elections.
Full Interview
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George Sarpong - Full Interview
At the time of this interview, George Sarpong was the executive secretary of the National Media Commission in Ghana. His extensive experience included involvement with media issues relating to elections through his capacity as the executive director of the Youth Network for Human Rights and Democracy, working with youth to increase capacity to participate in democratic discourse, and on issues to prevent violence in elections. He served as a member of the Coalition of Domestic Election Observers, coordinating media activities, and consulted regularly on media, media monitoring, and governance issues for multiple organizations. He also was involved in elections in Sierra Leona, Cameroon and Liberia.
Voter Registration
voter education
rural voter registration
enfranchising marginalized groups
election security
Election Violence
election observers
electoral management body
media relations
Not specified