Adrian Horn

Police Consultant
Horn Ltd.
Focus Area(s)
Accountable Policing
Critical Tasks
Community policing
Integration and amalgamation
Internal accountability
Daniel Scher
Country of Reform
Sierra Leone
United Kingdom
Date of Interview
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Adrian Horn reflects primarily on his five-year posting as manager of the Community Safety and Security Project in Sierra Leone, a program of of the U.K. government's Department for International Development. During his time in Sierra Leone, he assisted the Sierra Leonean police in overhauling their recruitment procedures and their training programs, and he comments in detail on the challenges and successes. He also talks about the importance of an effective public-relations system for a police service trying to re-establish legitimacy and credibility. He runs through some of the practical anti-corruption initiatives he developed with the Sierra Leonean police, and he reflects on his own management-by-walking-about style. Horn talks about "local-needs policing" as a conceptually similar but more clearly defined form of community policing, and details the successful role of community/police partnership boards.

Case Study:  Building Strategic Capacity in the Police:  Sierra Leone, 1998-2008


Full Interview

56 MB
Adrian Horn - Full Interview

At the time of this interview, Adrian Horn had a long career in the U.K. police, rising to the position of assistant chief constable. He left the police in 1994 to set up a policing consultancy. He has worked in a number of developing and post-conflict countries, and spent five years as the manager of the Department for International Development's Community Safety and Security Project in Sierra Leone. He worked closely with the Sierra Leonean police and Inspector General Keith Biddle during a challenging and transformational time for Sierra Leone.

Reform sequencing
integration and amalgamation
community policing
internal management
media relations
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sierra Leone
Not specified