Miguel de Brito
Miguel de Brito reflects on how the 1994 election in Mozambique was administered. He highlights the important roles of both the international community and the Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE, or National Election Commission). He talks about the difficulties the CNE faced in building consensus and how the CNE’s first chairman managed to overcome those difficulties. He offers observations on how the immediate post-conflict environment in 1994 shaped the administration of the elections and what impact this legacy had on subsequent elections. He also touches on the evolution of the Mozambican election dispute resolution mechanism.
Case Study: Compromise and Trust-Building After Civil War: Elections Administration in Mozambique, 1994
At the time of this interview, Miguel de Brito was Mozambique country director for the Electoral Institute of Southern Africa, a position he had held for three years. He began his career as a researcher at the International Relations Institute of Mozambique in 1994. In 1995 he started working for the United Nations Development Programme, where he worked on a comparative research project called War-Torn Societies. De Brito spent seven years working as a senior democracy and governance adviser at the U.S. Agency for International Development office in Maputo before joining EISA.