
Sigitas Siupsinskas

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Country of Reform
Yoni Friedman
Sigitas Siupsinskas
Interviewee's Position
Vice Minister,
Interviewee's Organization
Minisrty of the Interior, Lithuania
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

In this interview, Sigitas Šiupšinskas discusses his work in public administration, regional policy and public service with the Lithuanian government. He discusses the VORT (Improvement of Performance-Based Management – from the Lithuanian Valdymo, orientuoto j rezultatus, tobulinimas) project and the Sunset Commission (The Commission for the Improvement of State Administration). He details the methods of the reforms, the gains achieved and the challenges faced. He talks about the effects the cultural environment of the Lithuanian government had on these reforms. He also talks about the successful efficiency gains in public administration and civil service reforms, and the implementations that led to those. Šiupšinskas discusses evaluative measures, methods of prioritization, and functional reviews.


At the time of this interview, Sigitas Šiupšinskas was vice minister in the Ministry of the Interior. He began his professional career in local administration, as deputy head of a neighborhood in the Vilnius District Municipality. Šiupšinskas then worked as adviser for municipal affairs in the Office of the Government. He then moved on to become director of the Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania. After this, he served as counselor the Lithuanian president on matters of public administration, regional policy and local self-government. He then moved to the Ministry of the Interior, where he first served as adviser to the minister before being appointed to his vice minister position. In the Ministry of the Interior, Šiupšinskas was responsible for public administration, regional policy and public service.

Kestutis Rekerta

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Country of Reform
Yoni Friedman and Gordon Evans
Kestutis Rekerta
Interviewee's Position
Head of the Lithuanian Strategic Planning Commission
Date of Interview
Reform Profile
Kestutis Rekerta talks about his position as head of the Lithuanian Strategic Planning Commission. He discusses the development of strategic planning in Lithuania from 2000 to 2006. He talks about challenges the Commission faced in establishing a good process; he touches on the problems that arose in the prioritization of strategic plans, budget appropriation, and the Commission’s relationship with various ministries as well as with Lithuania’s changing government. Rekerta discusses the influence the Canadian International Development Agency had on the establishment of the Commission, and how they were able to accommodate external models to Lithuanian customs. He also talks about the influence Lithuania’s preparation for EU membership had on various aspects of government.

Kestutis Rekerta was a policy officer for the European Commission. He joined the European Commission in 2007 after much work in the Lithuanian government. Rekerta began working as assistant to the advisor for the EU (European Union) PHARE (Pologne et Hongrie – Aide á Restructruation Economique) project on local authorities in 1993. He then moved on to work as Chief Expert for Public Service Reform, and then later as Head of the Central Management Unit in Lithuania’s Ministry of Public Administration Reforms and Local Authorities. After this position, he was appointed head of the Strategic Planning Commission, and later moved on to be director of the Strategic Planning and Public Administration Department. It was following this work in Lithuania that Rekerta joined the European Commission.

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62 MB
Full Audio Title
Kestutis Rekerta - Full Interview

Gord Evans

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Country of Reform
Yoni Friedman
Gord Evans
Nationality of Interviewee
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

In this interview, Gord Evans discusses his experience working in Lithuania on center of government reforms from 1998 to the early 2000s and again starting in 2009. He explains the importance of the Chancellery’s office and later Prime Minister Kubilius in building support for the initial center of government reforms.  Evans emphasizes that the leadership of top officials was necessary for the institutionalization of reforms as well as for ensuring that officials continued to adapt reforms to Lithuania’s specific context and changing needs. It was critical to reform effectiveness that Lithuanian officials from across ministries took ownership over reform planning, sustainability, and evolution. Evans also describes the processes of several specific reforms, such as aligning budgeting and policy planning, instituting impact assessments, and improving legislative efficiency. In addition, Evans talks about how the requirements of EU accession influenced the motivation, challenges, and speed of reform.    

Case Study:  Focusing on Priority Goals: Strategic Planning in Lithuania, 2000-2004


Since 1998, Gord Evans has worked as an international consultant on government decision-making, strategic planning, and policy formulation. He has extensive experience, having worked in Lithuania, Albania, Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Ghana, South Sudan, Qatar, Afghanistan, and China. He has also co-authored a publication on policy and planning for the World Bank. Prior to his international consulting career, Evans held several senior positions in the Canadian Government. Most notably he was Deputy Clerk of the Executive Council. In that role, he was responsible for coordinating the planning across government. 

Full Audio File Size
61 MB
Full Audio Title
Gord Evans - Full Interview

Giedrius Kazakevicius

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Country of Reform
Yoni Friedman
Giedrius Kazakevicius
Interviewee's Position
Counsellor of the Department of Lithuanians
Interviewee's Organization
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Date of Interview
Reform Profile

In 2009, Giedrius Kazakevicius was asked to lead a reform agenda in Lithuania in his capacity as vice-chancellor of the prime minister. At this time, the government of Lithuania was undergoing a party shift from social democrats to conservatives, and a structural shift from having a chancellery to a prime minister’s office. In this interview, Kazakevicius explains the necessity and obstacles of implementing government-wide reform amidst such a transition. Particular challenges that Kazakevicius describes are the creation of a detailed budget under budget cuts, and the formation of a strategy to approaching reform that prioritizes certain sectors in an efficient and productive way. He discusses the need to set both personal and results-related goals with specific deadlines and ways to measure achievement through active use of baselines and metrics. Kazakevicius emphasizes the general goal of creating a results-oriented culture of government in Lithuania that focuses on strategic planning, as opposed to the previous system that solely concentrated on inputs and implementation. 

Case Study:  Improving the Quality of Decision Making: Fighting Reform Fatigue in Lithuania, 2006-2012


At the time of this interview, Giedrius Kazakevicius served as vice-chancellor of the prime minister of Lithuania. Upon graduating university, Kazakevicius entered into diplomatic service. Then, from 1998 to 2001, he worked in the foreign affairs division of the prime minister’s office from before returning to the ministry of foreign affairs. He remained in the ministry of foreign affairs until he was appointed as vice-chancellor in 2009 and asked to lead the principal reform agenda.